Stephen & Madeleine Kear's Holiday Gites In France

After Stephen's exhausting years and demanding schedules as a violinist in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra we left it all behind us to run idyllic gites in the Gartempe Valley, La Vienne, France.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Going, going, gone!


Going, going gone! - today was torn away from excellent book - 'The Story of Lucy Gault' by William Trevor (recommended writer on Middlesex University MA Writing course) to help with some tree felling. Hoped to get some advice on this before - perhaps from or some such other information source as we were low down on tools - had only a woodshark chainsaw with a blunt chain and some nice genteel style secateurs. Strange how some trees seem to have what can only amount to shark like teeth on them. This is for removing some of the trees and debris in the ruin which will eventually be a small two bedroom gite. The ruin will accommodate two to four people and will have a modern contemporary feel with some farmhouse character. The stone here is mined from Chauvigny - the ruin has some excellent facing stones with a rose colour in them - very lovely when the sun sets and the last rays of light are on the stone. The tree seemed larger and more daunting once it was felled - took ages to conserve the parts we wanted for our own use in our open fireplace and make the rest compressed enough to take to the dechetterie. Two down - only three more to go.


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