Protracted adolescence, Busted and further showers
You know you are suffering from some kind of middle-age crisis when you reach for your children's CD's to listen to while doing the ironing and cleaning and at the same time have fantasies about learning to play the drums and joining a rock group. Whilst doing these most irksome tasks I listened to 'Pink' and then 'Busted' - an album greatly loved in this household about five years ago and one which conjurs up friends much missed from London and what now feels like a different life from a long time ago...
'so she may be thirty-three but that doesn't bother me...
that's what I go to school for...'
Yes, well, it's a good job I do as little cleaning and ironing as is sanitarily possible.
On a more grown up note the marigolds are doing very well and slug pellets are doing the job of keeping off the snails - well killing them actually - while this wet showery weather continues. Lulled into a coma like state by the boredom of cleaning I quickly in between showers jumped into the pool and rather cruelly enticed Stephen to join me for a swim by telling him it was simply wonderfully warm - which it wasn't. But the cold water did stave off the dreaded sense of cleaning fatigue and was revigorating and refreshing. Stephen has vacuumed and cleaned the pool and its looking spectacular. Everything is growing like mad.