Stephen & Madeleine Kear's Holiday Gites In France

After Stephen's exhausting years and demanding schedules as a violinist in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra we left it all behind us to run idyllic gites in the Gartempe Valley, La Vienne, France.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

glow worms and a full moon

It's time for the glow worms to appear. I had heard of these wonderful insects but had never seen one until we came here. The other evening I was attending to the pool cover - it was just about dark but not quite - and just near the pool was the familiar flourescent green light of the worm. It was the second one I've seen in four years and as usual I was full of a kind of awe as the light in it is so bright and - well- manufactured looking. It doesn't seem possible that such a bizarre green is a natural feature. Apparently it is just the females who do this for a short time of the year as they are trying to attract a mate. I believe they do not reproduce very greatly hence they are quite a rare creature.

A slow start to the day but I managed a walk with the dogs (no cat this time) and a swim as after a cool start to the day the temperature soared and it was hot and humid this afternoon. Picked more raspberries and some strawberries and got down to some serious weeding. Worked outside until 10.30pm. Tonight is a beautiful yellow full moon - set low and large in the sky. Stephen is in Jordan touring with the RPO Pops orchestra. This tour is more comfortable than the eastern european one but I still think he'd rather be home looking for glow worms...


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